视频拜年5大必备 - 5 crucial tips for virtual CNY

视频拜年5大必备 - 5 crucial tips for virtual CNY

伴随着MCO2.0 的便是2月即将到来的华人农历新年, 在这个喜庆的日子里也许很多人都无法回乡过年,但是于家人分享喜悦及祝福还是无比重要的。不幸中的万幸即时我们如今科技的发达,足以让我们可以跟远方的家人视频拜年,接下来我们将为大家带来5大视频拜年Tips。

Malaysia PM has announced MCO 2.0 on 13th Jan 21, this meaning a lot of us will not able to balik kampung for the coming Chinese New Year festive because we choose to keep our loved ones safe from the risk of exposure.

Even thou balik kampung is no longer an option for many of us, but CNY blessing and tradition of joy sharing may still be done, via video call with your family. Here is our 5 tips for CNY video call. 


Regardless of essential phones and internet requirement, below is our top 5 tips:


Top 5 - 光线,光线,光线 / Lightning, lightning, lightning

很重要所以要说3篇, 让柔光打在脸上给家人朋友精神饱满的感觉,小编给大家一点对比:

 Very important so need to say 3 times, allowing light gently fall on your face, will brings out the energy and vibrant in you.  Following is some comparison: 

Top 4 - 角度 / Angle


Camera angle is also important, place the camera at a level to your face or slight overhead shoot angle would be nice. 


Top 3 - 布景 / Backdrop 


I'm sure many of us have decor our home before CNY, why not include them into the background of your video call, instantly brings in the CNY mood!

Top 2 - 收音 / Microphone


CNY blessing of course the blessing part is uttermost important, to ensure they can hear you clearly you might want to prepare handsfree or a external mic. 

Top 1 - 耳环 / Earrings

于家人亲戚朋友拜年当然要美美的, 过年新衣很重要但是,视频拜年耳环更重要。美美的耳环绝对让朝气的你井上添花,美到让人不行不行。 

During Chinese New Year, it is our custom to wear new cloths to bring good luck, but wearing your statement earring during CNY video call is even more important.


乘着这个新年佳节,我们La Parure 小编为大家推出脸型特调耳环福袋!!


During this CNY, we in La Parure are introducing face shape customized earring prosperity bag. You just choose your face shape in our website, and we will handpick some gorgeous and face shape compliment earrings for you. 


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